Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Rough Start

 Post-workout yesterday!

So last night I started feeling mega-stressed. I've been working out every day and eating better than usual which is great, but silly school and work have been in the way of giving the Bikini Series my all. The few minutes I've had to breathe lately are spent just relaxing because all I have done is run around! Finals are approaching, wedding planning needs to pick back up, I need to start preparing for summer classes and figure out what I want to do after I graduate--and all I want to do is connect with the TIU community, plan meals, go grocery shopping, cook, and workout!!! As an only child (any other only children out there?!), I tend to feel left out and like I'm not trying hard enough when I can't quite get on the same level of commitment as other people. I know that's silly because not everyone can find the time to work out for 3 hours a day or afford (or even find in their town!) obscure cooking ingredients, but the feeling's there. That might be another reason I was so quick to give up in the past. Not this time though ;)

Anyways, this week really is all about finding the balance for me. Right now I have some free time to catch up on the TIU blog posts and challenges, and look at the meal plan to make a grocery list. I'm just trying to take it a little at a time because that's all I can handle until the semester is officially over next Wednesday.

I haven't journaled my Bikini Series intentions yet so let's start with that!

Tone It Up Bikini Series Goals

- Workout 6 days a week
- Complete a BC every day I work out (once finals are over)
- Continue the C25K program to train for a 5K (And eventually a half marathon!)
- Try a new type of workout every week
- Fit into my old size 6 and size 8 shorts for summer!
- Feel healthy, confident, & stronger by eating right and working out
- Connect daily in the TIU community (Twitter, Insta, Community, Blog)
- Connect daily with my accountability partner & group text!
- Minimize dairy consumption
- Follow the TIU plan as best as possible & make healthy choices when eating out

 My first time on an exercise bike in a while for the Biker Babes workout yesterday. I'm quite sore today :)

Even with all of this outside stress, I'm enjoying TIU so much this time around. I have already said that, but I truly feel like this time is different. Having TIU buddies to keep you accountable has already helped my attitude towards this lifestyle tremendously. You all rock so hard!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Craziness!

Whew! What a day! Anyone else have a super busy weekend?! It just completely snuck up on me!

I slept in a little because this was the only day of the week that I could, then I woke up and made a chocolate protein pancake for M1! It was pretty good, but I am using whey protein at the moment which is not my preference--hoping to order some Perfect Fit or at least get a soy option within the next few days. I am thinking about working towards a dairy-free diet again because a) factory processed dairy just grosses me out and b) it makes my tummy hurt! I don't think I'm lactose intolerant but I've definitely noticed that I feel sluggish and blah after consuming a lot of dairy.

After getting some chores done around the house, I headed to work where I ate a banana as my M2. After work I hung around and ate my M3/M4 as a late lunch: a Quorn burrito, Kind bar, and Zico! Yum! The Quorn burrito was definitely not "clean"...there were so many ingredients packed into it :\ But I needed a quick option and I wanted to keep it dairy-free, so nothing frozen with cheese. The Kind bar and Zico were delicious as always :) I'm seriously obsessed with coconut water and I completely blame Karena and Katrina! 

Then my fiance and I went to mass, came home, and did W2D3 of our C25K workout. It was challenging because I was so tired, but we finished strong :) M5 was frozen tilapia with kale chips and a Zevia. Again, completely obsessed with Zevia for a sweet treat. And root beer is my favorite! 

I guess that doesn't sound like my day was that busy--I guess I just did a fair amount of running around and working. This week is going to be even crazier with finals approaching. I probably shouldn't even be up this late but I wanted to keep on top of my journaling! Tomorrow I plan on waking up early and planning out my workouts for the week and some of my meals :) Oh, and I still need to take before pictures and measurements! Yay! Hope everyone had a wonderful sunny weekend! <3

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blog Introduction -- Hi there!

Howdy! My name is Kayla and I am a super senior at Texas A&M University. I'm an urban horticulture major with an interest in teaching others the importance of growing their own food and eating fresh & local. I will be graduating in August and getting married to my best friend on October! This is an incredibly surreal time for me; I never thought I'd be getting married right out of college, but I am so thankful God put this man in my life and is giving us this opportunity to start a life together.

A few summers ago, I found Tone It Up on YouTube and immediately fell in love with Karena & Katrina. They seemed like they really cared about helping others change their lives for the better! I bought the TIU Meal Plan and worked out all summer. Even during a tough breakup, I was able to *almost* finish the 7DSD; I felt INCREDIBLE. I specifically remember being amazed at how strong I felt. But, as so many people struggle with, I lost the motivation right before the next semester began.

I've fallen on and off the bandwagon so many times. I'll get really motivated, spending some time in the TIU Community and reading their blog, but then bad habits kick in and there's no time to workout and eating greasy Indian food during a particularly stressful day of school and work just seems like the best option!

I got engaged right before Christmas and knew I'd have to get back into shape for my wedding. Not only because I wanted to look incredible walking down the aisle and on our honeymoon, but because this would be the start of a new chapter in my life. I want to be healthy not only so my future husband and I can live a long life together, but also so I can be a healthy mom for our future children.

Anyways, after a particularly rough semester (21 credit hours and 25 hours of work, YIKES) I have finally had enough. I'm not just doing the TIU Bikini Series to lose weight for my wedding--I'm doing it to form healthy habits that will last a lifetime. I'm a big foodie so some restrictions will be a challenge, but that's what this blog is all about: finding my healthy balance eating, exercising, and living life!

For all my TIU girls out there, please leave me your blog info so I can follow your journey for the next 8 weeks. I'm all about finding inspiration through y'all ;) We can do this!