Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Next Chapter

{from here}
Hello hello! How are all of you Beach Babes doing on this fine Tuesday afternoon?! I'm doing fabulous! Why am I in such a good mood, you ask? Because...FINALS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are not enough exclamation marks in the world to describe my happiness. Okay I guess they're not technically over for me yet, I do have one last online final due by Thursday, but I'm not as worried about it. And I get to complete it in the comfort of my yoga pants and oversized shirt. Oh who am I kidding, I definitely went and took my final today wearing that ;)

If we're being completely honest here, this was a rough semester for me. I know this is about to sound complain-y and I don't mean it to, but I took 21 credit hours, worked 2 jobs of about 25 hours a week, and tried to start some wedding planning on the side. It was absolutely insane, and while I love the pressure of a busy schedule, my grades were pretty difficult to keep up with compared to previous semesters. I have felt pretty gloomy leaving my exams this past week because I just don't feel confident about how I did on finals and this semester as a whole in 2 of my 6 classes. I'll be cutting it close and I absolutely hate that. But there's nothing I can do about it now besides move forward and accept whatever is given to me--even if it means having to retake a class over the summer.

The cool thing about this round of exams was that I continued to eat fairly healthy and work out throughout them all, which I believe helped lead to a positive attitude! I usually give into eating greasy tacos and pizza while studying, and then feeling sorry for myself if I don't do so well on the exams, but not this time! In high school I was so good about keeping a positive attitude. That started to decline over the years, but I have found it creeping back into my life!

I'm ready to kick the Bikini Series into full swing now that I won't have such a busy schedule! Although I've been following the vast majority of the workouts, I haven't been dedicating the amount of time to them that I've been wanting to. I am still (and probably will always be!) constantly inspired by the TIU community and my wonderful accountability partner. Every time I check Instagram, I want to try a new healthy recipe or workout--it's amazing!

I have big plans for the remainder of the Bikini Series...I want to blog regularly, read for the amazing TIU Book Club, try tons of new recipes and workout routines, and even make some videos! I'm such a huge fan of various YouTubers and although I'm quite shy, vlogging always seems like so much fun! I also want to continue connecting with other girls in the community. The constant outpouring of support and love has been overwhelming! It's so cool to be able to see others successes as well as their struggles, and how they have been able to overcome them.

Anyways, to all those out there who are still finishing up final exams--good luck! You can do it! The next month and half has so much in store for us all...I just can't wait :)

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